Thursday 13 November 2014

International Cheetah Day with the Cheetah Conservation Fund

International Cheetah Day is on December 4th.

Dr. Laurie Marker founded the Cheetah Conservation Fund in 1990 and with the CCF has created a set of integrated programs aimed at addressing the threats to the Cheetah.

Why December 4th? It is the birthday of Khayam, a cheetah Dr. Marker raised from a cub at Wildlife Safari, in Oregon. Khayam was trained for the first research project in rewilding and inspired her first trip to Namibia in 1977.
Khayam was sent to Africa to see if she could be taught to hunt in the wild. Through trial and error, Dr. Marker was successful in her efforts, and she eventually brought Khayam back to the US. It was during this time that Dr. Marker found out about how cheetahs were being exterminated by Namibian farmers who viewed them as vermin, and she vowed to do something about it. Khayam was born on December 4th and Dr. Marker chose this animal’s birthday as a day to promote cheetah conservation in honor of her memory.

To make a donation to support cheetah conservation in the wild Click here to Donate to CCF!
Sponsor/adopt a resident cheetah from CCF’s sanctuary. Click to Sponsor a Cheetah!

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